How SaaS Onboarding Emails Can Improve Your Conversions?

3 min read

SaaS Onboarding Emails

I understand how important it is to turn trial users into paying customers because I am a SaaS product owner. I’ve tried several strategies to optimize my onboarding procedure over the years, and I’ve discovered that onboarding emails are one of the best ways to increase conversions. I’ll share my knowledge and perspectives on how onboarding emails can help you turn trial users into devoted customers in this article.

Making sure the email addresses entered by your users are valid presents one of the biggest challenges for onboarding emails. The effectiveness of your campaign can be affected by invalid email addresses that prevent your emails from reaching the intended recipients. I’ve discovered that using an email validation service like Mailcheck can be very helpful in resolving this issue.

Mailcheck is an email validation service that can check the validity of an email address in real-time. When a user enters their email address during the sign-up process, Mailcheck checks the address against its database of known domains and top-level domains to ensure that it’s valid. If the email address is invalid or has a typo, Mailcheck suggests a correction to the user, preventing lost leads and improving the overall quality of your email list. Apart from Mailcheck, creating a personalized welcome email series is also crucial to improving conversions. The welcome email series is the foundation of your onboarding email campaign. It’s the first point of contact with your users, and it sets the tone for the rest of the onboarding process. That’s why I put a lot of thought into creating a personalized welcome email series that resonates with my users.

Overview of Welcome Email Series and its Content

The first message in the welcome series thanks the user for signing up and provides an overview of our offering. I make an effort to keep this message succinct and to concentrate on the main advantages of our product and its value proposition. The second email in the series provides the user with a tutorial that details how to use the main features of our product. Videos, which are engaging and easy to follow, are, in my experience, particularly effective for this. I also include screenshots and detailed instructions to make things as simple as possible.

The final email in the welcome series is a call-to-action that encourages the user to take the next step, such as completing their profile or setting up their first project. This email is crucial for driving user engagement and helping them see the value of our product. Using triggered emails is also an effective way to encourage user engagement. Triggered emails are automated messages that are sent based on a user’s behavior. They are a powerful way to engage users and provide them with relevant content that’s tailored to their needs. For example, if a user creates a new project, I’ll send them an email with tips on how to get the most out of that feature.

Strategies for Re-engagement and Gathering User Feedback for Product Enhancement

Another illustration is when a user hasn’t used our product for a while, I send them an email with a friendly reminder to check it out and check out its most recent features. By doing this, I can re-engage users who may have grown distracted or lost interest. Additionally essential to enhancing your product and boosting conversions is encouraging user feedback. Customer feedback identifies areas for product improvement and offers valuable social proof that can draw in new customers. Additionally, it aids in your comprehension of the requirements and objectives of your users, which you can use to enhance the onboarding procedure. Sending people an email asking for their feedback is one of the ways I solicit it. I write a succinct email with a strong call to action encouraging them to share their opinions.

Building trust and loyalty with your users also involves giving them value. They should receive information that is pertinent to their needs and useful in every email. For instance, if you provide a project management tool, you might send an email with project management advice.

Mailcheck is an email validation service that can be a valuable addition to your onboarding email campaign. When a user signs up for your product, they may mistype their email address, which can lead to bounced emails and lost conversions. Mailcheck checks the user’s email address for common typos and errors and suggests corrections, reducing the likelihood of bounced emails.

By integrating Mailcheck into your onboarding email campaign, you can ensure that your emails are reaching the right inbox and increase the chances of converting trial users into loyal customers. The personalized welcome email series can include a message that thanks the user for signing up and asks them to confirm their email address. Mailcheck can be used in this step to suggest corrections if needed.

Triggered emails can also benefit from Mailcheck. For example, if a user creates a new project, you can automatically send them an email to confirm their email address and suggest corrections if needed. This helps ensure that future triggered emails are delivered correctly and increases the chances of user engagement.


It’s crucial to gauge the success of your onboarding email campaign using metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates in addition to Mailcheck. You can use these metrics to assess the effectiveness of your emails and make necessary adjustments. You can compare different versions of your emails using A/B testing to make sure they are optimized for the most conversions.

In conclusion, onboarding emails are a powerful tool for converting trial users into loyal customers. By creating a personalized welcome email series, using triggered emails to encourage engagement, soliciting user feedback, providing value, using Mailcheck to validate email addresses, and measuring success with metrics, you can improve your conversion rates and grow your business.

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